Instant, eco-friendly, all-terrain, modular building solution, for affordable housing,
disaster relief, agricultural, medical, educational and commercial applications
Habitus was formed to address four long-standing, crisis-level, global needs:
• Schools- So children can have a foundation of normalcy, after
wars and disasters, to minimize trauma and have a safe,
comfortable environment in which to thrive, learn and grow.
• Affordable Housing and Disaster/Emergency Relief-
Provide a top quality, green, sustainable, reliable, long term, safe,
healthy, low cost, permanent housing solution, which was quick
and easy to erect, with unskilled labour, for the disadvantaged;
financially strapped, low income, victims of disasters, the poor,
seniors, veterans, homeless, aboriginal and rural communities,
around the World.
• Food Production- Provide effective solutions for food
production and storage.
Between dramatic environmental changes and the compromised food sources referred to as GMOs, the World desperately needs a
reliable, year round supply of nutrient rich, healthy food, for all.
Habitus Grow Domes can grow nutrient rich, 100% organic food 3 times faster, all year round, growing the equivalent of
hundreds of acres of land, in a small space, regardless of environmental conditions, anywhere in the World, without the need for
heavy equipment or chemicals, totally protected from insects, animals etc.
• Job Creation- Small businesses are the backbone of any nation and the biggest creator of jobs. However, they are finding it
increasingly difficult to compete with corporations. Using domes as business premises, reduces overhead and increases profits, which
improves viability, competitiveness and creates jobs. Habitus domes provide affordable commercial premises to satisfy an exhaustive
range of needs in the medical, educational, commercial and recreational sectors, to make it easier for people to not only start
businesses, but to thrive and create jobs.
These are just a few of the key applications, for which Habitus Modulus domes may
offer a perfect solution:
• Disaster Relief
• Affordable housing for Low Income, Veteran,
Senior, the Homeless, Aboriginal and
Rural Communities
• Schools, Hospitals and Clinics
• Agricultural- Grow Domes/Storage
• Safe bunkers for disasters
• A myriad of commercial uses
The list of benefits for the Habitus Modulus building system, is both long and substantial:
• Should cost less than 50% of a comparably sized,
conventional home
• Extreme insulative qualities (both temperature and sound)
over R42- Could save as much as 75% of energy costs
compared to a brand new North American house of
perhaps R12/R20
• Should last for generations, with virtually no maintenance
• Sustainable- extremely eco-friendly; ZERO pollution,
environmental impact or building waste
• Quick to erect- 3 unskilled workers in about 30 mins
• Transportable/movable
• Easily expandable, at any time
• Virtually indestructible and resistant to:
• Extremes of Weather
• Earthquakes
• Hurricanes/Tornadoes
• Flooding and Water Penetration
• Fire
• Hail and Snow
• Rotting
• Warping
• Mould and mildew
• Rodents
• Insects
• Bullets and blasts
• Can be either be serviced exactly like a conventional structure or can be
completely off the grid, using whatever complementary technologis
you prefer or any combination of the two
• Classed as Emergency/Temporary housing- planning permission may
not be required
