Instant, eco-friendly, all-terrain, modular building solution, for affordable housing,
disaster relief, agricultural, medical, educational and commercial applications
Welcome To Habitus Building Systems!
Thank you for your interest in Habitus, it's very much appreciated.
Did you know ... that over 260 million children are unable
to go to school?
Between 2015 and 2017 alone, over 120 million people,
mostly children (that's not including the millions before
and since), were made homeless due to wars and
disasters. The financial catastrophe caused by the COVID
Lockdown, will increase these numbers substantially.
Over a Billion people are living in terrible conditions.
We believe that NOBODY should have to suffer like this
and EVERYBODY deserves a decent, safe home.
Since World governments are not doing nearly enough
and are overwhelmed, we cannot wait for someone else
to fix the problems, WE must help ourselves. We must
give a sense of safety and normalcy to these children, our
next generation!
Instead of just complaining, we decided to DO something
about it.
We believe that EVERYONE, especially children, deserves to have a safe place to live, learn and grow. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for these children and their families.
We have a phenomenal solution, for schools, affordable housing and growing food, for a fraction of the cost. 3 unskilled people can erect a disaster proof structure in 30 minutes, which can last 200 years.
The children of today, will hold the future of the World in their hands tomorrow. If we take proper care of them now, it will result in a much more compassionate future society.
Wherever children are neglected in the World, it ALWAYS creates a myriad of social problems for us all. If we don’t take care of them now, we WILL pay for it later.